I have been working on a little early Kwanzaa present for all ye who, for years, have harassed me without mercy,
written truly loathsome emails and engaged in horrific acts of cyber bullying - all because this stupid game didn't work right.
That's right. I could have gone into a shell, pretended to have a learning disability, anorexia or cerebral palsy or whatever else these posers
try to say they have in place of their accountability. But no. Lesson here is that bullying actually works.
As I enjoy the fact that, if not for this, you all might have actually graduated from college.
These workout videos will show you how to exercise-- so you can kill whoever produced them.
Today's kids have to deal with Mom's trying to stick 'em with apple slices instead of fries. At least they wont receive one of these Happy Meal mistakes.
Some people say the most hilarious racist things.
Here are the funniest 10 movie scenes from 1997-2007! It doesn't get much better!